Sishu Fertility Clinic & IVF Center



“Fertility testing”, may initially sound daunting and complex, but the fact is that these tests are straightforward procedures and help develop a baseline to start your journey of parenthood.  By going under the tests, it helps to obtain crucial information that aids in deciding the best course of action for achieving your dream to start a family.   

First Steps

As in any other treatment, the first step in infertility treatment involves a thorough assessment for the identification of the underlying cause of the inability to get pregnant. At Sishu Fertility Clinic, we are aware of the importance of these initial tests to unfold the reasons for experiencing infertility. Following the comprehensive approach, our team of experts conducts a range of diagnostic tests for the identification of the exact cause-factor for infertility.  

With Sishu, you can expect total support on your first step on the journey toward parenthood. Our team ensures that each test is performed with care and precision during the identification of the underlying cause. After the identification of the cause, the Sishu team is determined to assist you on the journey of parenthood, no matter the complexity of the cause factor.  

Moreover, Sishu understands that the inability to conceive can be emotionally challenging, and we are here to provide you with the support and expertise you need. Our aim is to uncover the root cause of your fertility concerns and develop a personalized treatment plan to address them. From the very first step, we combine the latest advancements in reproductive medicine and cutting-edge technologies to offer you the best possible treatment options. We believe that with the right combination of expertise, advanced technologies, and personalized care, we can help you overcome any challenges and issues that are obstructing your journey to becoming a parent.  

Diagnostic tests help provide important insights into the underlying causes of fertility issues and develop the base for exploring the best treatment options. At Sishu Fertility Clinic, our team of fertility experts utilizes a combination of tests with the use of advanced techniques to assess infertility-cause factors in women.   

Day 3 Testing

Day 3 testing involves specific assessments conducted on the second, third, or fourth day of a woman’s menstrual cycle. The assessments and tests are carried out to gather crucial information regarding women’s reproductive health. This will help to identify how you are likely to respond to fertility medicines; if you are required to go through medication.  

Assessing the women’s reproductive health, Day 3 testing helps in measuring the hormone levels in women’s blood to examine the ovarian reserve.  As female fertility health is closely relevant to hormonal balance, the test plays a crucial role. 

Your hormones are responsible for aiding egg development and indicating ovulation time. Additionally, it may also determine the outcome of the embryo implants into your uterus. At Sishu, we examine different hormone factors with a single blood draw. This test measures the following:

  • LH (Luteinizing Hormone), which is responsible to aid the ovaries to release the eggs.
  • Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH), which signals women’s ovarian reserve size
  • FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone), which is responsible to aid the ovaries to mature eggs.
  • Estradiol, which makes your uterine lining ready for an implantation   

Ultrasound Testing

At Sishu Fertility Clinic, we conduct ultrasound tests to examine the health of women’s uterus, ovaries, and follicles. The transvaginal ultrasound tests are helpful in examining antral follicles (tiny follicles) in your ovaries. In general, your ovaries should have approximately 10 antral follicles on them for ensuring a normal ovarian egg supply. 

Additionally, our ultrasound tests also examine your endometrium, which is the lining of your uterus. In general, an endometrium is 8mm or more covering your ovulation.  

Hysterosalpingogram (HSG) Testing

HSG is an X-ray test that provides valuable insights into the condition of a woman’s fallopian tubes and uterus. At Sishu Fertility Clinic, we conduct HSG tests to evaluate the patency of the fallopian tubes and detect any abnormalities within the uterine cavity. Furthermore, the test is also helpful in examining the shape of the uterus and checking the presence of fibroids

For conducting HSG tests, the small catheter is placed in the uterus injecting a fluid that is visible on an X-ray monitor. The process is typically carried out between 5 to 12 days of menstrual cycle and only takes about 15 minutes to complete.  

Sonohysterogram Testing

Sonohysterogram Testing is a type of ultrasound test conducted to examine abnormalities in the uterine cavity. The different forms of abnormalities that a Sonohysterogram is helpful to examine include fibroids and polyps. During these tests, the small catheter is placed in the cervix for placing water into the uterus. This helps determine the abnormalities such as polyps or scars in tissue that may be the reason for unsuccessful egg implantation.  

Male fertility tests help in identifying the potential male cause factors for infertility. At Sishu Fertility Clinic, we conduct a semen analysis test for valuable insights into sperm quality, count, motility, and morphology.

Semen Analysis Process


The semen analysis process begins with the collection of a semen specimen. To aid comfort, we facilitate the collection of the semen specimen sample from the home itself or a private room in our service center. However, if you choose to collect the sample from home, it is important that it is made available in our laboratory within the designated timeline. Our clinic will provide instructions on the proper handling and transportation of the sample to maintain its quality.  

Upon the arrival of the specimen at the Sishu Fertility Clinic, our skilled laboratory technicians will carefully evaluate the semen sample using specialized techniques and equipment. It will take around a week for the final results of the test. During the tests, we examine the following crucial properties of the sperm that plays a crucial role in fertilizing eggs to result in pregnancy.  

Semen Volume

By examining semen volume, we examine the total amount of semen produced. The measurement is done in milliliters. The semen volume should exceed 2 ml. Otherwise, it can signal dysfunction or blockage in the prostate or seminal vesicles.  

Sperm Appearance

By examining the sperm’s appearance, we determine whether there is a presence of blood in your sperm. It is also conducted to examine the side effects of medication.  

Semen Motility

By examining semen motility, we examine the numbers of actively moving sperm. The moving sperm aids them to bond with an egg in the Fallopian tube to result in pregnancy. To ensure healthy semen motility, the number of moving sperm should exceed by 50 % of the total sperm.  

Semen Concentration

A semen concentration examination is carried out to check how many million sperms are produced by one milliliter. If the result shows a lower sperm count, then it signals that sperm is not able to come out. It may also indicate that the testicles are not able to produce sperm in the normal amount.  

Semen Morphology

A Semen Morphology check determines the shape of your sperm. In general, if 50 % of sperm have an abnormal shape, then it can lead to male infertility. 

500 successful birth at sishu fertility clinic