Sishu Fertility Clinic & IVF Center



Endometriosis has been identified to be present in around 30 % of women who have been diagnosed with infertility. So, the disease is referred to as one of the most common issues that lead to women’s infertility. 

There are different stages of endometriosis and Shisu Fertility Clinic is successful in offering the treatment for all stages of endometriosis.  

Sishu is proud to serve the patients going through this common but complex infertility issue.

Endometriosis and Infertility

For women who are looking to start a family, endometriosis can be a challenging issue that affects reproductive health. It may affect individuals by:

  • Damaging Fallopian tubes
  • Blocking Fallopian tubes
  • Creating an obstruction on the way of the eggs to react the uterus
  • Piling up endometriosis on the ovaries, which interferes with ovulation.  

What is endometriosis?

When endometriosis occurs, the patient’s normal uterine lining grows outside the uterus. The tissue similar to the uterine lining grows on other organs in the pelvic region. They may grow, thicken, and break down which causes the patient to excessive building during the menstrual cycle. As a result inflammation, scarring, and pain are common.  

Though the exact cause of endometriosis is unknown, the issue has been commonly identified in women in their reproductive years.  

Endometriosis can lead to the blocking of the ovaries and the fallopian tubes. Thus, it becomes crucial to identify and treat them in time. 

Endometriosis and Pain

Endometriosis symptoms are not the same for all patients as they vary widely. For some patients, pain can signal the disease. Endometriosis-related pain can be moderate to severe and it can impact the daily routine of the patient.  

While pain can be a crucial indicator, it is not always the same for all patients. Some women may even not know that they actually have this disease. Many times, it turns out that the woman with “unexplained infertility” is suffering from Endometriosis.

When there are minimal or no symptoms, many women may be diagnosed with “unexplained infertility” though they actually may be suffering from Endometriosis. 

If the patients experience any symptoms related to endometriosis, it is important to consult with fertility experts for accurate diagnosis. The symptoms include:

  • Struggle to conceive.
  • Painful periods
  • Pain during or after sexual intercourse
  • Pain in the lower back or abdomen
  • Painful bowel movements
  • Heavy or irregular menstrual bleeding  

How We Diagnose Endometriosis

While symptoms can indicate the patient for endometriosis, symptoms alone do not always confirm the disease. A patient requires to go through tests and examinations for accurate diagnosis.  In addition to the study of a patient’s medical history, the experts at Shishu Fertility Clinic may recommend the following tests:

  • A pelvic exam – for the assessment of pelvic tiredness or piling up of endometriosis
  • Pelvic Ultrasound – for identifying the piling up of endometriosis
  • Laparoscopy – for visual inspection of the pelvic organs for identifying the signs of endometriosis. 

Upon the diagnosis, our experts at Shishu Fertility Clinic classify this medical condition as Stage 1 (Minimal condition), Stage 2 (Mild), Stage 3 (Moderate), or Stage 4 (Extensive). The classification is done after studying the levels of scarring and identifying diseased tissue.

At Shishu Fertility Clinic, we offer numerous treatment options to deal with endometriosis. Our treatment plans are designed to vanquish endometriosis by addressing the symptoms; while making sure to not negatively affect your fertility.  

Treatment Options

The treatment options for endometriosis are different for different patients and it depends on the severity of the condition and the patient’s overall health. At Shishu Fertility Clinic, our team of experts may follow treatment options including surgical interventions, in vitro fertilization (IVF), or incorporating both.  

At Shishu, the treatment options include: 


In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is the treatment to stimulate the ovaries to produce an increased number of eggs. The produced eggs are later retrieved and fertilized by combining with sperm in a laboratory. This forms embryos that are then transferred to the uterus bypassing any potential issues with Fallopian tubes that may be affected by endometriosis.  

IVF is considered the first treatment for women with infertility related to endometriosis.  


Laparoscopy is a minor surgical process that is used for the identification and treatment of endometriosis. 

After the identification of the symptoms, the patient goes through laparoscopy which helps the experts to identify endometriosis lesions or endometrial tissue on fallopian tubes or ovaries. The identified endometriosis lesions or endometrial tissue are then removed during the same surgical process. 

Oral Medications

Oral medication is another common approach for the treatment of endometriosis. It involves the use of the medication to reduce estrogen production which aids in controlling the growth of endometrial tissue.

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